A so-called cult leader is somebody who makes up their own teachings, creates their own theology, claims that they are the source of the Absolute Truth, and cult followers are those who follow such a person blindly, regardless of what nonsense they may be teaching, or the fact that their teachings have no basis in scripture or in the teachings of previous saintly persons.

In contrast to such cult leaders and blind cult followers, Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa comes in a long line of authentic yoga spiritual masters known as the Brahma Gaudiya Sampradaya. Jagad Guru is a disciple of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad, who is a disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, and so on, going back to Lord Krishna. Everything that Jagad Guru teaches is authentic and is supported in Vedic scripture. He does not create his own truth. Rather, he has realized the Absolute Truth, which has been passed down to him, and he is sharing it with other out of love and compassion for people's well-being.

The Science of Identity Foundation is primarily a resource and educational organization. We offer people easy, effective methods of meditation and authentic Vaishnava Hindu Yoga teachings that they can apply in their life. Individuals are free to study and practice or apply as much or as little as they choose, and are free to stop practicing. Every individual has that freedom of choice. We've found the vast majority of people greatly appreciate what they've learned and have practiced and a handful haven't. That's no surprise.