Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa is in a bonafide disciplic succession of Vaishnava acharyas, teachers, who is passing down the science of bhakti yoga and meditation to whoever wishes to receive it and apply it to their lives. As such, he is respected as a representative of God, not the only representative of God.
In the same way that Christians and people of other faiths respect and revere their popes, cardinals, bishops, reverends, pastors, rabbis, lamas, etc. to be representatives of God, or dharma; similarly, Hindus consider their gurus to be representatives of God, or the truth or dharma. Because followers of these different spiritual paths respect and revere their spiritual mentors as representatives of God, they naturally show them great respect, appreciation, and love.
In Vaishnava Hinduism (the spiritual tradition adhered to by the SIF), worship is directed towards to the Supreme Lord Himself. No bona fide guru in the Vaishnava Hindu tradition claims that the guru is God, i.e. the Supreme Soul. In Vaishnava Hinduism, the guru is considered the loving servant of God, who helps us in our quest to have a personal relationship with the Supreme Soul.
Jagad Guru and all the spiritual teachers in this disciplic succession teach that only God is God. Everybody else are servants of God. It is considered blasphemy and sacrilege for any spiritual teacher to claim to be God, or to manufacture their own teachings, etc. The spiritual teachers such as Jagad Guru in this line of teachers coming from Lord Krishna, are respected as the loving servants of Lord Krishna, i.e. God.
All spiritual teachers in our line consider themselves humble servants of God, and the essence of the SIF’s teachings is that we should direct our attention to worshiping and developing a loving relationship with the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna, who lives in all of our hearts. According to Jagad Guru: "It's not about me. I have many faults. I am not perfect. It's about Krishna. Krishna (God) has no faults. Krishna is perfect. All I want is for you to develop your relationship with God, Krishna, who is your best friend, and who lives within your heart. No matter how imperfect I or you are, He still loves us. His love is unconditional.” Jagad Guru teaches that we should love Krishna and use our life for the wellbeing of others in some capacity.