Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa imparts teachings rooted in the ancient yoga tradition of the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya sampradaya.

He has effectively distilled the ancient yoga texts into three core teachings:

1. Our essence is spiritual, not material

We are not made of matter. We are made of life force or spirit. I am the spirit soul within this body; you are the spirit soul or living force within your body. We are not our bodies. Our bodies will die, but we will not die.

2. There’s only one Supreme Spirit Soul

There are countless numbers of individual spirit souls, but there is only one Supreme Soul. This Supreme Soul has many names, but He is nonetheless one Being, one Entity. The spirit soul is the eternally dominated part and parcel of the Supreme Soul. The spirit soul was never God and can never become God. The teaching that the individual soul is God or can become God through meditation is a dangerous myth.

3. Our natural function is to render loving service to the Supreme Soul

If we understand the first two points of the science of identity (namely, that a person is spiritual in essence and is a dominated part and parcel of God), then we will also understand that it is the person's natural function to render loving service to God. In other words, the only way a person can be truly happy and fulfilled is to use his life in some way or other that is pleasing to God. As Lord Jesus Christ put it, "My first and foremost commandment is that you love the Supreme Lord with all your heart, all your mind, your entire being."